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We continue efforts to support our community through sponsorships, donations and fundraisers. We are happy to be in the position to give back! Recently, we donated concrete to Sunrise Little League. The donated concrete was used for batting cages and we are honored to have been a part of the process.

From Sunrise Little League:

Sunrise Little League (SLL) was formed in 1975. The acreage necessary for the fields was acquired by Sunrise Parks and Recreation District in 1973 for the sole purpose of youth baseball by the wishes of Lester Carrick. C-Bar-C was born in 1975 as the volunteers of SLL built the four baseball fields.
Over the years, a snack bar was built by SLL volunteers to replace the old railroad car that temporarily housed the snack bar at its current site. SLL worked to have lighted fields added in the 80’s and early 90’s as the final lighted field was added in 1994 on the Major Field. 
SLL Winterball surpassed all Northern Sacramento as the largest Winterball program catering to youth 6-15 in the area.

If you are looking for a way to help, you can visit their website today.

We will continue our relationship with local organizations as a way to help our community thrive. We encourage other local businesses to do the same! If you personally would like to contribute, you can get involved too!